RSS feed

We currently use a rss feed with our partners, you may find it useful, especially if you are part of IndieGala Affiliation Program If you are familiar with rss feeds and/ or standard xml format then you will find pretty straightforward querying data.

What is your RSS feed url? And how to get info from it?

The main feed url is But you will get just the first page if you query it without params. We serve 500 items per page. In the rss export you can find these params


you can select the page with ‘page=x’ param, as the example below

without the page param you will be redirected to the first page.

in any case you can append the ‘sale’ param and you will get the discounted products.

Who can I contact if I have more questions or need more info?

Just drop us an email at and we’ll be happy to reply.