
Guaranteed Giveaway
A giveaway of a game whose serial key resides on IndieGala server and have not been exposed or unveiled. The vaildity of the key is guaranteed by IndieGala. This means that: For guaranteed giveaways IndieGala ensures the validity of the key, and commits to offer support in case there are any problems or issues.
Non Guaranteed Giveaway
A giveaway of a game whose serial key origin is uncertain. This kind of giveaways are NOT guaranteed by IndieGala.
Extra-Odds Giveaway
A giveaway where is possible to buy multiple tickets to enter, raising winning chances. You can buy as many tickets as you want for this kind of giveaways, as long you have the silver.
User Level
User level represents user loyalty and generosity. User level increases by gaining experience points when you create giveaways. The higher is the value of the game you are offering for the giveaway, the more level points you will receive at the end of the giveaway. You will be told beforehand while creating the giveaway, how many points your giveaway is worth. A higher user level allows to create and participate in higher level giveaways.
Silver Coins
The virtual currency required to buy giveaway tickets. Each hour you will be given 10 silver coins (240 per day). The maximum amount of coins you can have at any one time is 240 coins.
Guaranteed Game
A game whose serial key resides on IndieGala server and have not been exposed or unveiled. The validity of this key is guaranteed by IndieGala. This means that: For guaranteed keys IndieGala ensures the validity of the key, and commits to offer support in case there are any problems or issues.
Non Guaranteed Game
A game whose serial key origin is uncertain. This kind of serials are NOT guaranteed by IndieGala, because is not possible to verify if the serial has been activated or not, due to limitations on how Steam serial key system works.